Feb 5, 2016

Aloha malama pono Cheryl, hemolele Ānela.

Through these tears I try to type my crying heart. You touched so many people's lives. So many more than most of us will ever come near. You are a healer, a prophet, a satirist.. an angel. Truly. You questioned authority and demanded equality. You entertained with but a smile, those dimples barely hiding your knowing guile.

To say that you will be missed is the understatement of the century. No. You, my dear, will live on as long as time is measured and memories hold precious jewels and treasures - times spent with you. Countless as the stars in the night sky are the tears that flow and the laughter that glows just knowing you are here eternally in the hearts and minds of so many of us mere mortals. You made my good friend happy. That in itself is reason enough for me to love you.

You know that I care what happens to you,
And I know that you care for me too
So I don't feel alone
Of the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe
To bury my bone
And any fool knows a dog needs a home
A shelter from pigs on the wing

Feb 4, 2016

Wow.. time doesn't fly, it flat out blasts by at supersonic speeds.

Well, from July in 2015 to February in 2016. What's that - 7 months? Daaayum! Well, I'd like to say that my life has changed for the better with a new job, a new romantic relationship, and generally great news! I'd like to say that, but I can't. Sorry (I say to myself), things have not changed. Some may say that I am ultimately responsible and that things have not changed because I have not changed them. Maybe that's true... OK I know that's true, but I like to think that, to some degree, others have rolls to play in whatever change happens in my life (others being potential employers, potential girlfriends, etc). But as of today there have been no major ch ch ch changes (goodbye Bowie).

More to come later this evening. I'm trying to concentrate on working towards a podcast of sorts with a good friend of my oldest son. The struggle for me is trying to wrap my head around what potential audience there might be, and how I might contribute to "the cause"... film at eleven.

OK, here it is - 11 already.
I hate the fact that, in order to create and maintain a podcast you must define it - label it - specify what type of content it contains... this must be done in order for the podcast to be, in essence, "found" by any potential listener searching for content to amuse or entertain or educate themselves. These definitions of what the podcast is about simply MUST be coded into the XML file that serves as the RSS feed that is the vehicle on which your audio and/or video travel to the audience.
Such a waste when all one would like to do is discuss whatever comes to mind.

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax
Of cabbages and kings
And why the sea is boiling hot
And whether pigs have wings."

Here's a little secret.. some of them do.

So, categorize we shall. Luring folks in with a multitude of "descriptions" and then dazzling them with wit and wisdom for the ages. Here goes..