Sep 19, 2019

"..95 percent of what lies underwater has not ever been seen by humans."

Wow. That amazes me. It doesn't surprise me, it just amazes me.

So close yet so far away.

Humans are the most arrogant, narcissistic, and unintelligent beings to have ever taken a breath. I'm just gettin' started... hang on, I'll be right back.

Feb 5, 2019

Life never ceases to amaze me.

Who would have thought that most of what has transpired between me leaving Hawaii and now, living back in Kansas, would have happened? Not me, that's for sure. Example: That the only plant with the potential to save the Earth and all life on it would have made such fantastic advancements at the Federal, State and Local levels (Yes, Cannabis Sativa and all of it's contents - CBDs and THCs). There might just be a very real opportunity for a woman to become the President of the USA, and quite a few other changes which bring such promise! More soon...

Jan 1, 2019

I guess this is it. I wish I knew why. Is it because everyone is growing older?

As of tonight - December 31st, 2018, after sending out Happy New Year texts to all four of my children, not one of them replied back. It seems to me as though Dad could be dead for all anyone cares. It feels like no one gives a shit about me anymore.

Years ago, just a few, we would all call each other (my 4 kids and even my ex-wife) and yell "Happy New Year!" into each other's ears. Then, year by year, the calls became texts.. but the replies would all happen within a couple minutes of our initial greetings. Up to and including last year - New Year's Eve - Dec. 31st, 2017, all of my children, and usually my ex-wife, greeted me back.

This year I was invited, then uninvited (in hopes of a more personal visit in the future - I guess) to the house owned by my youngest - which I have not even seen yet - for a New Year's Eve party, so I would have thought that she would be awake and would answer my text.. but she didn't. My two sons posted a SnapChat video several hours before New Years, and they both had originally thought about me being with them for tonight's New Years, so I would have imagined that they would have been awake at midnight also. Did I hear back from them with a "Happy New Year Dad!"? - no. Just silence and an empty phone screen. My oldest daughter admittedly told me she was going to sleep at around 10:00 pm, so I knew she wouldn't answer, but we had exchanged our "Happy New Year" greetings earlier.

What the hell happened? What did I do, or not do, to have this blow to my emotions? This downright hurts. I love my kids. I'm getting the feeling that they don't "really" love me back.. maybe they just tolerate me and only interact with me when they have to. You know - maybe a couple of times besides the holidays each year? I don't know, and I feel like a whiny little child, but dammit why can't you even give your father a Happy New Year text reply?

Do you really wish I would just go away and stay out of your lives.. just because I do not have an exciting life of my own anymore with trips to cool places like New York, Honolulu and Las Vegas, as I did in the past?

Well, better than nothing. My boys just gave me a text reply at 2:30am. Happy New Year sons.