May 9, 2021

I’m done. That’s it. I am through. Too many people ask, no.. asume, expect and demand my assistance with things they can do themselves. People who relish in, and have no problem talking about, their pain, how hard things are, how much they hurt, how they -can’t- do “things” anymore. People who have given up.

Well, I have news for them.. Every.. Single.. Person.. on Earth hurts, every single person is having a hard time these days, and wishes they could just give up and have others do things for them.

I was like that.. for a while.

I reached a point when I had nothing to look forward to.
I mean nothing at all.

But, I found it in me and forced myself to take the first small step towards improving. Now, some 18 months later, I’m doing relatively well.

I know it’s not easy taking that first step, but doing so leads to the second step, and then the third step, and so on.

Nobody will take those steps for you. No one but you. Trying is doing. Relying on everyone else is a dead end road. I will go to the ends of the Earth to help anyone who takes it upon themselves to try to improve their situations and/or health issues. I simply cannot continue to ‘enable’ people who assume that I have all of the time and resources in the world to help them do whatever they need, whenever they need it, regardless of what “it” is.
I just can’t.

These are grown humans.. not helpless children. For whatever reasons, they think they are incapable of taking ANY steps.. let alone a step in the right direction. I guess it is now “tough love” time. Time for me to be unavailable and/or unwilling to continue this charade, this serious drain on my body and brain. I have my own issues. Hell, I have an entire subscription, not just a few issues.

The hardest part will be saying “no”. The next hardest part will be convincing them that they do indeed have the strength and resilience to begin those steps. I’m sorry if this venting paints me as a bad person, but, like anything and everything over which I have no control, I couldn’t care less about what others think. They don’t have to live with me, they don’t have to feel my pain or fight my battles. I do. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am a good human. I will always hold out hope that these people find small successes in taking the first few steps towards improving their lives, as that is what motivates the fourth, fifth and five millionth steps. But I’m not able to take the steps for them anymore. I’m done.