Mar 7, 2010

Rhythms of my ancestry

In anticipation of my father's birthday - March 17, I've been listening to some Irish music recently. My roots are as Celtic as can be.. most likely Scandinavian before that. I feel deep down that I must come from those bad ass Norsemen who are now mistakenly referred to as Vikings. Yeah, they raided and pillaged and plundered all over Europe from Greenland all the way to Baghdad and back.. but it is what it is. Um, sorry?

One of the bands I've re-discovered is "Kila" (Pr. "Key-Lah") - they're fantastically Irish, but "new" somehow.

I was going to put a link to a YouTube video or two in here.. but the videos on YouTube do not do the band justice. They're not bad, but not as good as the music itself. I am partial to their instrumental tunes rather than the ones with vocals, but I'm sure those will "grow on me" in time.

Kila is just one of the bands I've been seeking out as of late.

Also worth investigating are:
Shooglenifty, Seven Nations, Wolfstone, Rock Salt & Nails, and Bongshang to name a few.

Maybe I'll share more if the mood strikes me...

Meanwhile, "May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, etc." ... Éirinn go brách my friends.

Or, Scotland Forever.. whichever suites your tastes. Personally, I lean towards Scotland.

Thomas Samuel Owens - March 17, 1933 - April 29,2005

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